It's time to start visiting the South Puget Sound areas in a series of presentations coming up and first up is already upon us this coming Tuesday evening! I hope to see a number of you drop by to visit with me at the Tacoma Library main library where I'll be doing a presentation in the Olympic Room on Day Hiking-Central Cascades. I'm sure I'll share some stories of the areas that play "backyard" to the Tacoma area such as the South Cascades and Mount Rainier also! Books will be available after the presentation via a bookseller being represented at the library and I'll have backup books in case they don't bring copies of all of them :) I'll be with Craig at the Tacoma REI in September and also am in the midst of arranging a presentation with the Olympia Library soon.
So break away from the heat and cool off in the library this Tuesday evening, August 4th, in Tacoma! More details at their website http://www.tpl.lib.wa.us/Page.aspx?hid=50.
Sorry I missed this! I bet a great time was had by all!