It is always exciting to get in to a new venue and hang prints for a show. It is also just not as much fun taking it all back down where then the only person who will get to see my work is myself! But yesterday brought me back to retrieve my work that has lined the halls of the
Fall City Inn since early December. It was a great experience to have so many members of the community come out and appreciate them and take their valuable time to let me know that! For that I'm so grateful! It will be equally as exciting to be back in early June for two month of another show, this next one there being with a wildlife theme and tied to the upcoming release of my last guidebook of the new day hiking series. Look for upcoming information about presentations and book signings soon to be scheduled at the Roadhouse/Inn for
Day Hiking-Central Cascades in the near future!
(photos: photo show in the halls of the Inn)