Can someone please tell me where the month of February just disappeared to? Well, to say the least it sort of vaporized away with too many home projects going on as well as 25% of it being a week with school out. So that meant wonderful times away including an annual trip to Arizona and the Seattle Mariners spring training with my son! More great memories and exciting days involving baseball...private time talking with Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu, baseball signing with him, autographs of numerous other players, and a day out in Scottsdale at the camp of the San Francisco Giants including the luck of a Tim Lincecum signing, his favorite pitcher in the big leagues. Hiking in the desert out by Apache Junction and into the Superstitious Mountains rounded out a great time!

Now to get back to reality and a great month of March, the coming of spring which seems to have already long ago started here in the Pacific Northwest, and many great days spent hiking and photographing, and numerous enjoyable evenings doing presentation talks around the state. Stay tuned!
(photos: walking and talking with Manager Don Wakamatsu; baseball signing in the cart with Mariners manager Wakamatsu; baseball signing with Mariners starting pitcher Ryan Rolan-Smith; baseball signing with Mariners pitching closer David Aardsma)